Some Balance to the Week

I realized when talking with R yesterday that my Monday post overlooked some of the positives of the previous time. I shouldn’t let those moments fall by the wayside when stuff gets rough, and finding the joy is important. I went to a LARP event for Waypoint, a regional LARP that uses multiple worlds as…

I wish it had been a quiet week…

It’s been.. weirdly just busy enough to warrant work but not busy enough to comment on it. I’ve been going to school and doing a bit of this or that, but honestly, the overall complexion has been vaguely routine. I have a LARP character to write and start constructing for Waypoint, a local LARP that…

Three LARP rules

In the last 16 (holy crap) years, I have been part of a few LARP communities and have begun to try to live by a few rules, which I think it is time to share, and maybe some can comment on and improve. Rule: It’s yours until you share it. LARP is about collaboration. When…